Tuesday, February 22, 2011

me, oh my...

so, i did the cutest little hand-stitchery for a cousin-in-law's baby shower...
do you think i remembered to take a photo BEFORE i put it in the box
(along with the little rattles, shoes and baby-legwarmers that the girls chose)
AND taped it?
uh....no!  rats!  rats!  rats!
it really was super cute - even the girls noted how cute it was.
i may need to "replicate" one for each of them.
as i type this, i realize i sorta am making it sound like i did not
get this idea from somewheres else...oh, i did.
(2nd photo down...little adorable "i love you this much")
BUT!  i did stitch it all by hand...

and, while chatting about hand-stitchery o' mine...
i finally got a Bible verse done for a friend of mine
who's husband is battling thyroid cancer.
but, the sewing machine i borrowed is not cooperating.
and mine is "under the weather" (that's what i am calling it...what it REALLY is is a 50+ year old machine that i have not taken in for a tune-up in *gasp* 3 years...no wonder it is "under the weather", huh?!).
i am hoping to get it completed (probably into a pillow by hand...)
in the next couple days.
heck, the 4 laundry baskets of clothes have already waited 3-4 days,
what's one more to complete a gift and get it mailed to kansas, right?

finally...i *think* i have decided on the
"what to do with the master bedroom wall"
dilemma of last post.
no, i have not ran it by the financial backer (aka hubs)...
mostly b/c i need to measure and check into a couple
ideas to get a better idea of cost...BUT!
here is a photo of what i want it to look like in the end:
wall only - although the headboard is cool, as is the bedding and pillows...the nightstands and jumbo candlesticks will not be coming to live at my house any time soon...i do dig the desk and red chair...but alas, i doubt the "budget" will allow for new furniture.
so there you go.
because i know you all were just so concerned about what in the heck i was going to do with my "whoops" paint and all my ideas.
don't we all feel better now?
thought so.....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

finding the time

in my mailbox today was this beauty:
i had no clue what was in the priority envelope as i opened it.  what a fun surprise!
and, of course, i wanted to start flipping through it.
i have restrained myself.
well, because i want to
enjoy this bad-girl!
and that would probably not happen right now....
(the girls are watching "the wizard of oz" for the first time right now and i am anticipating a lapful of girls any moment...just passed the "poppies" part....and i have a pooch asleep on my lap, snorting & snoring and breathing dog breath on the laptop - can you smell her dorito-infused breath?  no, she did not get into a bag of chips, that is just what she smells like sometimes.  not sure why that is...)
mostly because brewing up a fresh pot o' joe would mean being up all night.  or at least until 10:30pm.  i have no decaf,.  and since i had a late night on monday (amy grant/micheal w. smith concert - awesomeness!).  late night tuesday (worked at the firm).  and we have parent/teacher conferences in an hour...coffee and an hour or two to savor my magazine is not going to happen.
but that's okay. 

i know it will be worth wait!

besides all this excitement...i made it to a home improvement store to start some "research" for helping me decide what i want to do with our bedroom walls that remain chalky white.  this shelf of old loveliness finally made it up a few weeks ago:
the jars are from hub's aunt.  they are a very subtleblue.  inside each one is something that is very meaningful to me.  these old jars and their contents were just itching for their "spot".  this wall has nothing else on it.  and it will remain that way.  the shelf i got at a garage sale a couple years ago.  it was black.  but a couple coats of paint later and it is happily holding of my treasures.  so, this (along with my framed wedding bouquet - sorry no photo today) are my starting points for this room.  some people start with bedding when doing a bedroom.  or their furniture.  not me!  most of our bedding is bold and bright and many colors, so it will all be bound to coordinate basically any wall color.  back to this wall...

i think it will need some texture...besides the knockdown.  so i am looking into some faux-wood wall project...or paintable bead board wallpaper (because actual tongue/groove bead board is probably not in the budget right now...)...here are some photos that i am diggin":

horizontal coolness!
(lettered cottage)
vertical fun
(my ideal home)

tin wall - swoon!
(my ideal home)

i adore these walls - but not sure i can replicate it...
and then there is that pencil - love him!
(my ideal home)
not 100% sure i have hubs on board with this one...but if he reads this post, the picture may help...
(lettered cottage)
my little pile of goodness that came from the "whoops shelf"...the pale-est grey, a pale-ish blue - that may combine to make my "own" bedroom color...and the third can is a turquoise for the playroom side of the basement!
so...i'll keep you posted on what direction i decide to go in...cost & difficulty are the main deciding factors for this one.

Monday, February 14, 2011

do u *heart* today?

this year, all things valentiney have included:

dinner date with hubs, while the girls enjoyed a disney-movie-night with an auntie.

chocolates in a heart-shaped box.
3 roses - pink chosen by each daughter and red chosen by hubs.
wedding & anniversary rings that look like new!  sparkles galore again!
more jewelry, in the form of pretty little earrings.
dinner with family.
oranges and apples for the girls' valentine's day parties (complete with "orange you glad you're my valentine?" and "you are the apple of my eye" stickers).
loads of glitter, purple and home-made goodness in each  & every card the girls gave to their classmates.  not too girly or mushy...just adorable and fun!
and while the crafting was in full-speed-ahead mode, a certain hubs took my car and washed it, gassed it up AND detailed the inside!  awe.some!

and then today, there were new dresses for the girls from momma and daddy.  there were valentines to a few people who were absolutely not expecting them (we love doing that!)...the girls loved how much those people appreciated their little gifts (and i am hoping that they are learning that being generous does not always involve a bunch of money...and that many times, giving really IS more fun than receiving!).

each girl had a class party.  both got cute cards. and candy. and candy. and pencils. and bracelets. and magnets. and stickers. and tattoos. and more candy.  they shall not want for sweets, that is for sure.

and then that was supposed to be "it".
and "it" was plenty!  and great!

but, then after a phone call...and an offer of an extra ticket...
i get to go to the amy grant & michael w. smith concert tonight!
and...hubs won a dozen roses at work...rumor has it that he's giving them to me...

i am beyond loved i do believe.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


may today bring you peace within.
may you trust that you are exactly
where you are meant to be.
may you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are both of faith in yourself and others.
may you use the gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
may you be content knowing
that you are a child of God.
let this knowledge settle into your bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing,
dance, praise, and love.
it is there for each and every one of us.

-st. therese prayer

Monday, February 7, 2011

an alexander kinda day...

you know the one.
alexander and the terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.

francesca battistelli waxes poetic far better than i...

"this is the stuff"
lost my keys in the great unknown
and call me please 'cuz I can't find my phone
this is the stuff that drives me crazy
this is the stuff that's getting to me lately
in the middle of my little mess
i forget how big i'm blessed
this is the stuff that gets under my skin
but i gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
it might not be what i would choose
but this is the stuff You use
45 in a 35
sirens and fines while i'm running behind
this is the stuff that drives me crazy
this is the stuff that's getting to me lately
in the middle of my little mess
i forget how big i'm blessed
this is the stuff that gets under my skin
but i gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
it might not be what I would choose
but this is the stuff You use
so break me of impatience
conquer my frustrations
i've got a new appreciation
it's not the end of the world
this is the stuff that drives me crazy
this is the stuff
someone save me
in the middle of my little mess
i forget how big i'm blessed
this is the stuff that gets under my skin
and i've gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
it might not be what i would choose
but this is the stuff You use
this is the stuff You use

Friday, February 4, 2011

for the love of bostons!

this year for wren's 6th birthday she wanted to invite all her classmates.
we allowed just the girls.
she also wanted to invite a few other friends.
and after mulling over the # of guests...i had a chat with her about perhaps asking her friends to not bring gifts, but instead, if they wanted, they could bring a monetary donation and then wren would donate all the money to a charity of her choice.
she chose MABTR group.
and why?
well...we love animals.  and before we had children, we had a cat and a dog.  the girls have never known life without an animal in our home.  both girls are very tender-hearted towards animals.  and the fact that we have adopted 2 bostons through the rescue group probably factored in, too!  since the day that ruby passed away, both girls have asked for another dog.  wren is quite practical and a quite few times she would "rationalize" to me why we were ready for another pooch.  i wasn't the one to convince.  once the daddy was on-board and ready for another dog...well, we went to the MABTR "adoptable animals listings and chose a couple that we felt might be "right" for us.  Alice was one of them.  her foster-mom brought her over on a friday evening and she has been ours ever since!  the girls adore that little dog!

so i was proud of wren's choice...and she was not bothered at all that she did not get gifts from her friends.  she was happy to just have them all over to her "artist party", do some crafts, play a game or two, and enjoy cuppy cakes!  and since she always gets a bit "spoiled" by family with gifts, she still got to enjoy opening gifts and having some new clothes, toys, craft kits and what-not.  and it was a good "teaching moment" about the importance of not being selfish and looking outsides of oneself and helping others (whether human or animal).  when we talked more about it, she was very proud to be able to help those bostons!

i took her with me to the gal who heads up MABTR and wren was able to give her a card and the money herself.  I felt this was also important - so wren could see that it was given to someone who would make good use of the money. 

so, if you are thinking about getting a pooch...please consider adopting!  you can easily find particular breed rescue groups by doing a search online.  or consider a trip to the humane society for your pet cat or dog!  we got our furry cat, puddy mcfluffkins, from there and we'd recommend you do that, too.  often times pet stores get their dogs from puppy mills - whether they admit this or not.  and puppy mills often have deplorable conditions.  so please adopt, don't shop!

the birthday girl and her pupster enjoying a snuggle together!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


waking up our beautiful birthday girl...

and it really does take a few days to celebrate turning SIX...

"friends party"...
the traditional dinner at red robin with family & friends

(being a "diva" with her sister and their bestest friend)...
"family party" afterwards at home to have cuppy cakes...
wearing her "made by momma" 6 birthday girl shirt to church...
choosing her birthday dinner
(she requested ham, mashed potatoes, peas and cornbread muffies...followed up by snickerdoodle cookies)...
getting to open her presents from little sister, momma & daddy...
taking donuts to school to share with her classmates
(or as she told some classmates she was "spoiling them rotten")...
another "girls only basement slumber party"
(we had 6 in a row due to family staying an extended amount of time due to the icy/snowy weather)...
getting out the new car, home & furnishings that little sister picked out & playing together...
and, of course, she rocked the "made by momma" 6 shirt at school today, too...
this is my fave 6-yr-old!