so, i did the cutest little hand-stitchery for a cousin-in-law's baby shower...
do you think i remembered to take a photo BEFORE i put it in the box
(along with the little rattles, shoes and baby-legwarmers that the girls chose)
AND taped it?! rats! rats! rats!
it really was super cute - even the girls noted how cute it was.
i may need to "replicate" one for each of them.
as i type this, i realize i sorta am making it sound like i did not
get this idea from somewheres else...oh, i did.
o'er here:
(2nd photo down...little adorable "i love you this much")
BUT! i did stitch it all by hand...
and, while chatting about hand-stitchery o' mine...
i finally got a Bible verse done for a friend of mine
who's husband is battling thyroid cancer.
but, the sewing machine i borrowed is not cooperating.
and mine is "under the weather" (that's what i am calling it...what it REALLY is is a 50+ year old machine that i have not taken in for a tune-up in *gasp* 3 wonder it is "under the weather", huh?!).
i am hoping to get it completed (probably into a pillow by hand...)
in the next couple days.
heck, the 4 laundry baskets of clothes have already waited 3-4 days,
what's one more to complete a gift and get it mailed to kansas, right?
finally...i *think* i have decided on the
"what to do with the master bedroom wall"
dilemma of last post.
no, i have not ran it by the financial backer (aka hubs)...
mostly b/c i need to measure and check into a couple
ideas to get a better idea of cost...BUT!
here is a photo of what i want it to look like in the end:
so there you go.
because i know you all were just so concerned about what in the heck i was going to do with my "whoops" paint and all my ideas.
don't we all feel better now?
thought so.....