Tuesday, May 31, 2011

what the heck have you been doing?

i have been doing some stitching...
baby pillow
 wedding pillow
(actually made 2...
one for the april wedding,
one for the may wedding...)

 the youngest one graduated
from preschool

the girls also got to come along to the bride & bridal party mani/pedi party...
i think the girls are hooked on the pampering...

 butterfly chairs,
dvd players,
looney tunes,
talking gerbil movie,
pink, glittery, silver, red nail polishes,

 and time with gram & grandpa!

 and then it was the day to be flowergirls!

 red dress (with just the right amount of "twirl factor"),
sparkly headbands,
silvery-ruffle sandals...

the bride and her 3 nieces
and if i knew how to get the pics off the new camera...
or the new computer...
you would get to see wren on her
"kindergarten celebration day"...
she read a book she wrote to us...
her class did a song-n-dance routine...
and she received the "great reader award"!!
 I will need do a separate post on that event!

and that brings us to summertime...
sweet summertime...
ah, lazy days of summer!
sister slumber parties!
(yes, they both did sleep on the top bunk.
until the insanely loud cracks of thunder woke us all up, that is.)

and this picture is the "before"...
painters are painting as i type this!
good-bye white chalky walls!
good-bye white ceiling!
good-bye white stairwell!
(oh, and good-bye grey entryway.
wasn't working for me.)
 I'll post the "after" pics later this week...
and you, too, can say hello to nomadic desert!
 the "green wall" is staying...
(just sayin'!)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


the past few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind.
and, i will eventually post the photos...but for now...
so much going on:
preschool graduation
(will linnea REALLY be in Kindergarten in 3 short months??!!)
the big wedding
(which meant 1st mani/pedi's for a couple of flowergirls)
loads of "taylor swift" listening
(the daddy made mixed-cd's for each of the girls and they have become big ole sing-along-&-know-every-single-sword taylor fans)
a slew of crafting
(baby pillows, teacher pillows, wedding pillow...faux flowers, curtains, embellishments, oh my!)
some landscaping
(would love to do much more, but...we decided to hold off on more because...)
the painters are coming next week to paint the rest of the main floor
(something told me that it would wiser to pay the painters to do the cathedral ceilings rather than the hospital for my injuries if i tried to do it...ahem.)
although "walking club" ended at wren's school last week,
our family started our own summer walking club...
up-n-at it at 6:30am, we all head out
(including alice, the woogie-dog)
and, today is a certain kindergartener's LAST DAY O' SCHOOL! 
so, i guess it is officially our summer
(schew!  finally!)
and we have lots of fun things coming up...
but for now, we 3 girls are just going to hang out,
play and chillax.  aaaaaahhhh.
i *heart* having both girls home again all day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

invisible woman

sometimes i feel invisible.
sometimes i want to be invisible.
but this video makes me realize
that being, or wanting to be...
is perfectly okay.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

my mother's day

my mother's day started earlier in the week...karl and the girls gave me a new digital camera...i got a beautiful bouquet of multi-colored roses...

i got to choose where we had lunch on saturday AND sunday...got to take a big ole nap this afternoon...but the best part?

handmade cards from my girls!

they were being secretive and sneaking around.  it was adorable!

wren also made a "bouquet" of flowers at school...that each have a chore written on the stem that wren is going to help me do around the house! 
mop the floor.
feed the pets.
help cook dinner.
do the dishes.

linnea found a blank notecard and wrote a message inside and drew a picture of two people. 

when i asked her if the 2 people were me & her...
she told me, "No, it is you and Nate Berkus! And you are the one with the long eyelashes!"

yep.  me and Nate Berkus. 
made me laugh outloud! 

i am one very lucky and blessed momma!