Wednesday, September 2, 2009


last night was orientation night for wren's preschool.
here she is with the daddy.
here she is with her celebratory ice cream.
her she is with her sister this morning before going in to preschool.
here are the girls all ready to go this a.m.
wren's back. and backpack.
linnea's back. and backpack.
wren writing her name with mrs. p's help.
linnea painting at her preschool with mrs. jackie & mrs. suzette.
yep. both girls are felling pretty plucky about their schools. they love it. both cannot wait for their next day at school. me? yeah, i'm okay. i was feeling plucky too.
but only after plucking my eyebrows. sigh...

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love first days! Just an FYI we always take a backpack picture on the first day with them sideways in the same place. Then we take one on the last day too. Amazing how much they grow each year.
    The girls look so cute!
