Tuesday, January 19, 2010


these showed up at my home last saturday afternoon. when hubs and wren got home from their errands. which included taking wren to pick out part of her birthday present, more on that later.
this gerb was the "starting flower" for our wedding. that was 6.5 years ago. and this flower still makes me remember that day. one of the best days of my life!

well, except for the part of the day when i made the entire wedding party go for outdoor photos. in july. the temp was a mere 96 that day. and, as it worked out, most of the tuxedo'd fellas were not in any of those photos. none. except the groom. he was a'smilin' amid sweltering in his tux...ahhhhhhh, good memories for all.
and this girl above is the 4-yr-old who asks nearly everyday: "does ______ make me look like a 5-yr-old?" usually it is what she has chosen to wear. like this new coat. (and since her new stocking "matched" it, she wanted it in the photo, too....and, yeah, i bought a new coat, mid-winter...but i just could not pass up the old navy 50% off the already clearanced item...which meant this fluffy red/white number was a mere $8.99 folks...regularly priced at $39.99...). and usually i tell her that she most certainly does look like 5-yr-old. you see, her birthday is in just couple of weeks. and yeah, she'll be 5. how did that happen?? what i don't tell her is that she has "looked like", and been mistaken for on more than one occasion, a 5-yr-old since she was, umm, like 3.5 years old. she is tall. she is well-spoken. and well, she is just about too beautiful for words.
and this one? the daddy with 3 of his favorite girls. all in the "snuggle chair".
and, three girls enjoying a bit of tv-time on momma and daddy's bed...
and this above?? it's garfield carousel. that i got for my 30th birthday. because i did really like garfield...when i was 18. anyways....the girls love it. and it have let them play with it. it is breakable. and they have proven that. but, i figured someone should enjoy it, right??

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