Monday, February 2, 2009

"myrtle" monday...monday...monday

spent the weekend doing a whole lotta celebrating! my oldest turns FOUR tomorrow and we spent the weekend celebrating HER! lots of family was able to join us. and my daughter told me that she had the "best birthday ever"! at sunday school, during the music time, ms. laura always asks who has a birthday during the next week and then we sing to daughter had asked me about this numerous times. on the way to church we had to "practice". and when ms. laura asked...wren exuberantly replied, "ME! ME!" she was so excited to get sang to at sunday school!

so, what does "myrtle monday" mean? well...i am doing the beth moore (she is hysterical!) "ester: it's tough being a woman" bible study right now. and lst week beth was giving some history about ester...who was named "hadassah", which comes from the jewish name for "myrtle" and means "fragrance". so, "ester monday" didn't have the panache as "myrtle monday", huh?! IS tough being a woman...ask any woman you know! and here is why it's tough being me on this monday:

* taxes...humpfpgh! totally thought i was caught up and nearly done getting it all together for our cpa. wrong. so i am finishing up this a.m. or at least trying to. so that hubs can look everything over tonight. now, i have to admit that i l-u-v being self-employed! the tax benefits are great. allows me to be home with my littles - yeah! but the paperwork and record keeping is less than desirable. (truth be told, it is not so much the paperwork/record keeping as it is my procrastination to keep up with it the last couple of months of 2008 - bad me! bad, bad me!) i brewed a pot of yummy coffee and brought the entire pot to the basement. i am hopeful the precious coffee bean will help me muddle through today (photo at top)

so, rather than heading to the y for a workout and a swim with the girls, i am going to be finishing the recording of my expenses and mileage log and other business info for taxes. hopefully, if all goes well, we can go for a swim later this afternoon. and i can actually get caught up on the "ester" bible study tonight. oh, and bake some cookies for wren's birthday tomorrow...she wants to take cookies to her dance class to share.
so, heigh-ho-heigh-ho it is off to work i go.

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