Monday, August 16, 2010

dressing-up & dressing-down

yesterday was a very good friend's 5th birthday.
and the girls were quite excited about her party!
they arrived in their matching dresses...
but within 10 minutes they were selecting their "bridesmaid" dresses...
accessorizing with bangles, rings, earrings, tiaras...
and purses - cell phone & credit cards handy!
and then there was lipstick, eye-sparkles, rouge, spritz, nail polish...
and then the music was cued...
and each bridesmaid walked down the aisle...
and had her picture taken...
linnea tried on a couple other dresses, but finally chose this one with the "pure gold" skirt...
she even made sure to pull her hair back so that her "really dangley" earrings could be seen...
wren found this dress and did not waiver on her first choice!  she loved the "twirly skirt"...she chose a "rainbow full" of bangles and rings...but decided against the earrings as they hurt her ears too much - especially when she was talking on her cell phone.

i did not take my camera, so the photos above are photos of the photos the girls got at the end of the party (redundant much?!)

and then, they were back to their usual selves.
well, except for the eye-sparkles and nail polish!

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